American Heart Association Diet Reviews

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Jan 31, 2012 Joy Weese Moll rated it really liked it · review of another edition
Recommends it for: people motivated to lose weight due to one or more risk factors for heart disease
There's nothing ground-breaking in the dietary approaches in this book, but then I don't expect that from the American Heart Association. Expect, in No-Fad Diet, a good run-down of currently accepted practices. What this book is missing in personality, it gains in clarity of presentation. If you're feeling motivated and inspired to lose weight while improving heart health, this is a quickly read and easily understood approach with just enough flexibility to feel in control of your own journey. I There's nothing ground-breaking in the dietary approaches in this book, but then I don't expect that from the American Heart Association. Expect, in No-Fad Diet, a good run-down of currently accepted practices. What this book is missing in personality, it gains in clarity of presentation. If you're feeling motivated and inspired to lose weight while improving heart health, this is a quickly read and easily understood approach with just enough flexibility to feel in control of your own journey. If you need some inspiration, look elsewhere — but there are lots of websites, books, and support groups to help with that aspect.
More on my blog Book Review: No-Fad Diet by American Heart Association
Feb 10, 2013 Rachel rated it really liked it
A very good guide to starting a healthy lifestyle. However, I found that many of the diet plans relied on dairy products rather than whole foods. Further, many of the recipes relied on prepared products and food substitutes rather than cooking from scratch. So if you want your daily dose of gmo's this book can lead the way. A very good guide to starting a healthy lifestyle. However, I found that many of the diet plans relied on dairy products rather than whole foods. Further, many of the recipes relied on prepared products and food substitutes rather than cooking from scratch. So if you want your daily dose of gmo's this book can lead the way. ...more

This has something for everyone in it... different types of diets to follow, and a large collection of recipes that look great! I can't wait to try some of them. I definitely wouldn't feel deprived eating these foods. This has something for everyone in it... different types of diets to follow, and a large collection of recipes that look great! I can't wait to try some of them. I definitely wouldn't feel deprived eating these foods. ...more

Nov 02, 2008 Kristine rated it it was amazing · review of another edition
Recommends it for: health seekers
I would like to own this book. A super helpful health book. I did have to read the large print version because our library didn't have the regular! I would like to own this book. A super helpful health book. I did have to read the large print version because our library didn't have the regular! ...more

Sep 13, 2015 Slone rated it liked it
Lots of good-sounding recipes, but a reiteration of most common sense rules for losing weight.

Very straight-forward approach to nutrition. No fads or gimmicks. And simple menus & recipes.

I am carrying this huge book around with me, so I can eat the right stuff!

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